5. We create a strong framework for development of better ideas - and review ideas

Our funding is focusing entirely on research, studies and projects that are according to the ATC framework. All proposals to the ATC review committee are valued according to the framework.

We can do better! The 10 commandments

  •      technology that improves everyone's access to high quality mobility
  •      cost effective, both for the poor and the wealthy
  •      safe, fast, and efficient
  •      quiet and comfortable
  •      minimal use of surface space, transforming urban space for biodiversity
  •      maximum energy efficiency from renewable sources – solar/wind/hydro/geo
  •      flexible, regardless of geography, topography, etc.
  •      multiuse of transit infrastructure for goods, electricity, water, etc.
  •      resilient and durable in the face of increasingly harsh weather. Climate adaptation is key
  •      improves the quality of life and livability of both urban and rural areas.

We not only push for these commandments, we also review research, ideas, technologies and innovations in accordance to this framework. Do your idea reduce the need of energy? Does it enhance the use for disabled people?